Pistensperre & Hinweis für Tourengeher
Wir bitten Sie um Kenntnisnahme nachfolgender Information bzgl. Pistensperre:
Alle Skipisten (ausgenommen natürlich Flutlichtpiste) in Saalbach Hinterglemm sind lt. ortspolizeilicher Verordnung von 17.00 – 08.30 Uhr gesperrt – wir möchten hier noch einmal auf die Gefahren durch die von uns durchgeführte Seilwindenpräparierung mit Pistengeräten nach Betriebsschluss hinweisen!
HINWEIS für Tourenskigeher:
Bitte beachten Sie allerdings, dass es ab heuer eine AUSNAHME gibt. Die Abfahrt Viehhofen Nr. 68 im Ortgebiet Viehhofen ist erst ab 21.00 Uhr – 08.30 Uhr gesperrt! Tourenskigeher können diese Piste also noch bis 21.00 Uhr für Trainingszwecke nutzen.
Hausabfahrt Altachhof ist unsere eigene Piste, wir bitten hier jedoch auch um HOHE AUFMERKSAMKEIT zwischen 11.00 Uhr und 12.30 Uhr und zwischen 15.00 Uhr und 16.00 Uhr, da wir unsere Piste präparieren, unser Personal liefern usw.
Bei Nicole können Sie sich gerne die Beleuchtung für die Hausabfahrt einschalten lassen.
Ski helmet in Salzburg mandatory
Approximately 2,500 children annually brought in the Salzburg clinics due to accidents on the ski runs, 20 percent of them must be kept stationary for further treatment in the hospital.
Around half of the children and young people are between twelve and fourteen years old, a third of the accidents concern head injuries.
Although more and more people wearing a ski helmet, according to the accident statistics of the Salzburger Landes Clinics approximately 52 percent of the injured on the slopes have no helmet worn …
By decision of the Government of Salzburg is in the winter period a ski helmet for children and adolescents up to the age of 15 while skiing and snowboarding mandatory. A penalty for failure to comply with this obligation helmet is not provided, the purpose of this act is to increase the attention for wearing this helmet.
Problems may be giving when it comes to an accident, the insurance company can invoke this law and refuse to pay the cost.
Toll on motorways and expressways
Since 1997 it has been compulsory for vehicles to carry a toll Vignette (a type of road tax sticker) on Austria’s highways
For motorcycles and motor vehicles less than 3.5 tonnes there are several vignettes available, a ten-days, a two-months or a year vignette.
The valid toll sticker must be properly affixed to the vehicle before using toll roads.
A vignette is compulsory from the Austrian border and not from the first entry or exit.
The section of the A12 Inntal highway between the borderline Kiefersfelden and exit Kufstein-South is often described as tollfree. This is clearly a toll road, although until further notice (From ASFINAG) this part of the road is not controlled.
Stickers can be obtained in Austria from the Austrian Automobile Clubs, post offices, newspaper shops and petrol stations. In other countries you can buy them at petrol stations near the border with Austria.
Before using a toll roads the valid toll sticker must be properly affixed to the vehicle on the inside left of the windscreen, good visible and controllable from outside.
The controls are not only visually performed but also automatically using mobile camera systems.
A substitute toll of 120,00 € must be paid by travelers without a vignette, a 240,00 € fine is charged if a valid vignette is not affixed properly (eg with tape). If the substitute toll is not paid, the traveler is subject to prosecution by the local administration authority, which may lead to a penalty between 300,00 € and 3.000,00 €.
The regulation of the toll can be read on the website of ASFINAG.
When congestion emergency lane!
For almost a year, the rule on Austria's motorways and expressways has been: form a contingency corridor when there's a traffic jam!
The contingency corridor is formed by all road users, who for their part are required to drive attentively. The contingency corridor only functions when all road users abide by it and allow the emergency services to access the accident site quickly and safely. The contingency corridor is formed not only in traffic jams, but also in stop-and-go traffic. Anyone who doesn't get in lane or even drives along the contingency corridor is risking lives. And a reminder: penalties of up to EUR 2,180 apply to the obstruction of emergency vehicles or the unlawful use of the contingency corridor. The rules are clear. Road users in the left-hand lane must keep as far over to the left as possible. All road users in the right-hand lane must move as far to the right on the carriage way as possible, also using the hard shoulder if required. In this way, the same principle applies in Austria as in the neighbouring countries of Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Switzerland.
Benefits of the contingency corridor at a glance
• clear and simple rules of conduct
• rapid approach and arrival of the emergency services
• wide approach lane
• up to four minutes of extra time - i.e. 40 percent more chance of survival
• rapid assistance of the injured
• no obstruction of the access by broken-down vehicles on the hard shoulder
• uniform principle with neighbouring countries: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Switzerland
Driving in Winter
Between 1st November and 15th April of the following year drivers of private cars and goods vehicles up to 3.5t must be suitably equipped for winter conditions. That means that drivers using the roads in wintry conditions during this period must have winter tyres fitted. Drivers of goods vehicles over 3.5t and buses must comply with a winter tyres requirement. That means that the vehicle must always be fitted with winter tyres during the prescribed period, whether there is snow on the roads or not. This requirement applies to goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes from 1 November to 15 April and to buses from 1 November to 15 March. Find more information at www.bmvit.gv.at
Only persons over 18 years of age in possession of a valid driving licence may drive in Austria. The only exceptions to this rule are those under 17 years old who drive for practice reasons under supervision and have met the relevant legal requirements . When driving in Austria, you should always carry a full British licence, ownership documents and insurance details.
Im Zeitraum von 1. November bis 15. April dürfen Pkw bei winterlichen Fahrverhältnissen nur mehr dann in Betrieb genommen werden, wenn an allen vier Rädern Winterreifen oder Schneeketten auf mindestens zwei Antriebsrädern montiert sind. Schneeketten sind nur erlaubt, wenn die Straße durchgängig oder fast durchgängig mit Schnee oder Eis bedeckt ist.
Drinking and Driving
The legal drink driving limit in Austria is 50 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood (the limit is10 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood if you have had your licence for two years or less and for coach and HGV drivers). Penalties for driving under the influence are severe.